For a taste of the finest red and white wines, call: 0400 192 264

Family Owned Urban Winery in Victoria

Beckingham Wines is a family owned urban winery in Moorabbin, VIC. 

Find out more about our range of high-quality wines by contacting our team today and see how our passionate winemakers use the unique landscape and climate to produce exceptional wines.
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Discover Our 
Family-Owned Winery 

Beckingham Wines is a family-owned, urban winery. 

We are passionate about our winemaking. We source grapes from trusted growers also passionate about wine, because great grapes are needed to make great wine. 

At the winery, we crush, ferment, mature and finally bottle our range of sparkling, whites, reds and fortified wines. You are welcome to visit us most weekends.

Peter Beckingham – Chief Winemaker and passionate chemical engineer. Peter brings state of the art technology to winemaking such as reverse osmosis and electrodialysis.

Ann Beckingham – Quality Assurance and Legal Educator. Ann works full time as a legal educator with law graduates at Leo Cussen in Melbourne. She assists with the finishing steps of each wine.

Purchase Our Wines

We sell our wines directly from the winery, which you can visit most days from 10am until 3pm;  We suggest you ring first.  

We’re proud to offer our excellent wines right from the source, so don’t hesitate to visit us or email your order to us in advance on
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Offering Commercial 
Wine Services

We offer a wide range of commercial wine services, including:

• Table wine production from pressing/crushing all the way through to bottled product. (or any portion of the process)
• Sparkling wine production. (we can do the whole process or just tirage your base wine)
• Fortified wine production
• Our team can deliver contract disgorging
• Contract bottling
• VA, brett and smoke taint removal
• Salt reduction (ie potassium reduction) by electrodialysis
• Wine concentration
• Alcohol reduction

For more information on what we can do for your business, don’t hesitate to contact us today.
Contact our family-owned urban winery on 0400 192 264

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